Environmental Policy

As a distributor of quality HVAC equipment, Flexiheat UK is committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment by conserving energy, water, and other natural resources.

Our strategy for achieving this includes the following key points:

  • Reduce waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • As a distributor, we continually monitor our packaging and recycle, using compostable or biodegradable materials whenever possible.
  • Meet or exceed all environmental legislation relating to the company. We select high-quality products and accessories, ensuring that the suppliers/manufacturers adhere to the latest environmental legislation. We apply pressure where we feel environmental obligations fall short.
  • We are committed to raising awareness about environmental standards and encouraging all staff members to implement the policy. We actively seek ideas and observations from employees while ensuring they are aware of their responsibilities.

In recent years, we have made significant progress in mitigating our environmental impact.

  • Wherever possible, we have converted all office and warehouse lighting to energy-saving LED lights.
  • The use of office stationery was significantly reduced by digitalising the generation of invoices and statements and by minimising the use of internal paperwork.
  • Banned the use of single-use plastics, standardising on the use of re-useable plates, cutlery, cups, and glasses.
  • When our current electricity provider contract is up, we aim to purchase electricity from renewable only sources.