Bribery Policy Statement

Flexiheat UK Ltd is committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery. The company’s policy is to conduct all aspects of its business in an honest and ethical manner at all times, adhering to the requirements of the Bribery Act 2010.

This policy applies to all staff employed by the company as well as any contractors,consultants or other persons acting under or on behalf of the company.

Company Responsibility:

The company will not obtain or retain any business or commercial advantage in the conduct its business by:

• Making any improper contributions with the purpose of commercial gain or advantage.
• Giving gifts or hospitality with the intention of persuading anyone to act improperly, or to influence a public official in the performance of their duties.
• Making, or accepting, inducements of any kind.

Flexiheat UK Ltd shall:

• Keep appropriate records as evidence of making any payments to third parties.
• Encourage employees to raise concerns about suspicion or malpractice at the earliest stage.
• Ensure that those raising a concern about bribery will not suffer any disadvantage.

Employee Responsibility:

Employees must not obtain or retain any business or commercial advantage in the conduct its business by:

  • Accepting any financial or other reward from any person or organisation.
  • Request a financial or other reward from any person or organisation.
  • Offer any financial or other reward to any person or organisation.

If you suspect any attempt at bribery, please immediately report it to your manager.